Make Selling & Buying a Home

Work for You!

Did you know that veterans & active military (including their families) have several benefits when it comes to selling, buying, & owning real estate? Take a look around & let’s set up a time to chat about your specific needs.

VA Loans

There’s a lot of misconceptions about VA loans! Don’t let anyone make you scared to take advantage of this great loan program.

Tax Benefits

Veterans & active military actually have access to some great tax exemptions! It’s important to know what those exemptions are & how to file them.

Save $

Saving money is no doubt extremely important to you. I have a team of professionals to refer you to that can help navigate the loan paperwork & keep more of your money in your bank account.

Learn the Basics of the VA Loan

Let’s cover the basics of VA Loans. Simply provide your name & email address to download the PDF. Being familiar with what they do (and don’t) require will help you feel confident about moving forward. It’s a good time to get you and your family into a beautiful home in our amazing community,

Additional Loan & Assistance Programs

  1. Find a Realtor ® with knowledge of the homeselling/buying process specific to veterans & active military. You can determine this by working with someone with an MRP certification (like me!)

  2. Obtain your ‘Certificate of Eligibility’ & DD214. (I provide links on where to obtain these documents along with other helpful info to my clients.)

  3. Shop around & choose a lender who is confident navigating the VA loan process. Be sure to ask your agent for recommendations.

  4. Get pre-qualified. While this may not technically be required, homesellers usually require proof of funds before they’ll accept an offer. Not having a pre-qualification/preapproval letter will put you at a steep disadvantage when putting in an offer.

  5. Time to go house hunting! Once you find the home that you’re excited about, we submit an offer.

  6. Once it’s accepted, we begin the process for loan approval & schedule the VA inspection and the VA appraisal.

  7. Negotiate items found on the inspection & prepare finances for closing.


The Buying Process

  1. Find a Realtor ® with a MRP certification (like me!)

  2. Discuss with your agent the best way to prepare your home. Working with me, I will have a list of professionals to recommend & can help schedule appointments if needed.

  3. Part of my services is to have professional photos taken & begin a marketing plan that will get your home in front of qualified, motivated buyers before it’s even officially on the market.

  4. List it! Once you’re listed, you’ll need to keep your home prepared for showings. Working with me, you’ll receive some tips on how to do this with as little stress as possible..

  5. Accept an offer & wait for inspection report.

  6. Negotiate items that appear on the inspection report & prepare for closing. (Your agent & Title Company will guide you through the process.)


The Selling Process