How to Make a Moving Day Kit

I’ve always loved moving day. It’s a time mixed with excitement, pizza, and people I love. Between my parents moving over 20 times each and I having moved 13 times, there’s a few things we have learned over the years to make the transition as smooth as possible. I am super excited to be able to share these little golden nuggets of wisdom with you!

One of those little nuggets is to pack a moving day kit. (Or, if you work with me, I provide one for you!) To stock up this kit you’ll need:

-Toilet paper

-Paper towels

-Hand soap

-Big trash bags



-Paper plates

-Clorox wipes

I also recommend having a box with the essentials for closing day and the first night in your new home. Depending on if you’re single or a family, needs can vary, but these are just some general basics that can work for just about anyone. It’s infuriating going through a million boxes when all you want to do is go to bed and get some rest.

-Important documents

needed for closing day




-Pet food & bedding



-Clothes & underwear for the next day

-Extra pair of shoes & socks

-Chargers for phones, ipads, etc

-Scissors or box cutter

-Towels & shower curtain

Make moving day easier with preparation & working with me, an agent who knows exactly what you need.


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